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carlton23 | 11:32 Thu 08th Apr 2010 | Computers
8 Answers
Each time I start up my PC an annoying pp-up appears which says .`You have administration rights, For security reasons it is recommended that you use user accounts`........Can`t remember the exact wording, but can anyone tell me what it`s about? tia


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Please post the exact error message.
Although it sounds like just a general warning that you have full rights, so be careful what you do.
I'd be willing to bet there is a little tick box for "do not show this message again" in one of the bottom corners of the warning.
What operating system (Windows etc)?

And what version (XP, Vista, 7 etc)
There's a message on my machine. I can't be arsed to read it myself, so can someone guess what it's about and tell me?
The message means that the computer needs to be returned to the shop where it was purchased and a refund obtained...
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Sorry, I couldn`t answer earlier, but being such a lovly day I`ve been gardening, and was too knackered to reply until now.
I am operating XP with Virgin Media, and yes it does have a small tick box and as mentioned in my post, I can`t remember the exact wording, and rojash, what`s up with you?.......Mark, what!!! after five years?
just put a tick in the box and click OK and it will go away never to bother you again (it's also not a normal XP warning so I assume it's to do with your security software)

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