have just had a friend request from someone I was very good friends with about 7 years ago. She got into heroine and I tried helpng her, she used to turn up at mine when she'd been kicked out, I used to get letters all the time apologising as she'd got back on drugs again. In the end I shut my door to her, the only way she would sort herself was if she wanted to and on her own. Anyway she did sort herself out and then I bumped into her, got her number etc and after that she would get mad if I didnt reply to her texts straight away and act really spoilt. The one day she had a go at me saying that I hadnt said lately how good she was looking and how well she'd done getting off the drugs. I told her to get lost and that I wasnt going to praise her everyday for getting off something she shouldnt have been on in first place!! As I said that was years ago and now I have a friend request from her, what should I do, what would you do?
she's clean now. its sad coz we were really good friends, used to go out partying all the time, until every club we went to we had to leave after a while because she'd see someone she owed money too. For about a year I went through so much with her and I used to speak to her mum all the time who would ring me in tears looking for her.
Have you viewed her profile and her wall? If you can access these, it may give you an indication of how her life is going and whether it is likely to be an even friendship or whether she is on the look out for a crutch.
I am a firm believer in giving someone a chance but this is a different ball game 4get, she appears to suffer paranoia when she asks you to tell her she's looking good and to get mad at at you for not replying...I smell a rat!
probably took alot for her to add me as If someone had said some of the stuff I did to her on our last conversation I wouldnt ask them to be my friend again. But she deserved it at the time.
Everything in life is easily ignored. Peaople do move on and people do change. It really depends on how much you value her friendship and how open minded you are to people changing. The whole situation sounds like it is not only her to blame in respect that she may consider you a soft touch. That is something you can change. If she was a friend then add her and ensure this behaviour will not be tolerated. Facing it will make you a much better person. The only time I would ever turn my back on a friend is if they did something vendictive against me. Good luck.