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GBH Section 18 What do i do? Whats going to happen?

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dmave | 23:40 Sun 08th May 2011 | Criminal
8 Answers
in short; I was really mad when someone aggresively stole my parking space on a busy day (stupid i know). I drove around for a bit and end up near that same space so went to confront the driver and his mate. I was swearing and shouting like an idiot and this guy who was walking the same way i asked what was wrong as i walked over and before i knew it he was there with me and being like a good samaritan standing up for me.

One of the guys got his phone out to call the police and and i grabbed his arm (not sure what i wanted to do but i was thinking I'LL call the police (very stupid i know). so when im wrestling with this guy, and kinda punching too, - THe other guy pulled out a hammer and bashed the other guy on the head!

I saw blood and i was kinda getting my ass kicked by the unwounded guy and he then had the hammer and was hitting me but i slowed him abit by holding it.

NOw most of it is on CCVT and it looks like i arrived there with the guy and it was all premeditated.

THe police came to my house and i live with my parents so it was even worse for them because of the heartache and worry.

Ive been cautioned and bailed but have to report in a few weeks.

What do i do? Whats going to happen?

PLease help me, Im not this kind of guy, but it looks like im going to take the fall for this if they dont find the guy who was sticking up for me.



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"I don't do this, but I did it".. classic!
"kinda punching" !!
Not very kind at all.
If this is the same story that you told the police then I can see why they are having a hard time believing you.

Are you american? Your post reads like you might be and this is a UK site.
Sorry, but to be honest, I have no sympathy for people who acted as you did. Life is far too short for anyone to become aggressive over a silly parking space. Perhaps it is time you realised that you obviously are "this kind of guy" and you need to work on changing your attitude! There is no point in trying to make excuses to yourself. You did what you did and now must stand and take the consequences. What if one of your punches had landed that person in hospital with brain damage or worse? There is no excuse for being aggressive, nor is there an excuse for anyone to use a hammer on another person! You will just have to sweat it out and take whatever punishment you get. But do try to get some good out of this experience ... NEVER let yourself get into that kind of mental state again! The same applies to the others who were aggressive. So tell me ... was the parking space worth all this?????
How did someone 'steal' your parking you own it...did they take it away with them?
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"Are you american? Your post reads like you might be and this is a UK site."

I try to keep it between the lines ;) I'm not adding "u" to everything just to fit in.
LOL Cowboy, let's kick ass.

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GBH Section 18 What do i do? Whats going to happen?

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