MSN Messenger -Version 7 in The AnswerBank: Technology
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MSN Messenger -Version 7

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SAH | 21:50 Mon 18th Apr 2005 | Technology
5 Answers
I want to download the latest MSN Messenger - Version 7 but it's prompting me to install Active X. I've heard a lot of bad things about installing this programme, saying that it allows hackers easier access to your PC. Is it safe to install?
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Even if installed, you'll probably be able to disable or turn off ActiveX in your browser.

Is it prompting you to install ActiveX when you download or install messenger? I was prompted to get it when downloading but it downloaded fine anyway!

We have had a lot of trouble since installing Messenger 7 and have finally had to uninstall and go back to the old one

netibiza, Do you mind telling me what kind of trouble ? As I have installed version 7 myself.
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Stevie21 - It's prompting me to download it when I try to install MSN Messenger 7. Anyway unless someone can convince me otherwise that it's amassive improvement, I think I'll just stick to version 6.2 for now...

The Active X control allows websites to run script on your computer. That's not a good thing. However, it also allows a lot of online downloads for example msn messenger so is a useful tool. I suggest installing it, then disabling active x by clicking tools->internet options->security->custom level.

Btw, msn 7 is great, you can sign in, in "appear offline" mode

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MSN Messenger -Version 7

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