PC Internet connectivity problem in The AnswerBank: Internet
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PC Internet connectivity problem

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abstibus | 15:26 Sat 07th Apr 2012 | Internet
15 Answers
My PC is refusing to allow me access to the Internet this afternoon, although the laptop is working perfectly. I am using XP, IE7 and have BT Wi-fi. When I try the network connection wizard, it tells me that I am connected. That is as far as I can get and I am at a loss to know what to do.
Could someone please give me some advice?
It needs to be fairly simple!!
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Here's a link to malwarebytes:
Click the silver button not the green one

But this is not suitable as a replacement for Avast.
Try MSE:
16:30 Sat 07th Apr 2012
Sometimes that happens to me and if you shut down your computer and shut down your router and pull all the plugs out and then restart, that usually does the trick for me, but I am sure you will get a better answer, but it's worth a try!
By the way I have a bt router
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I have tried doing this, but no luck. I see that the Avast icon is spinning when I try to connect (I have never seen this happening before). Would it be worthwhile removing this software to try again?
Might be.....I got rid of my PC and just have the laptop now. Not sure what else would help - sorry...
Anne, some earlier IEs had an annoying habit of self-ticking "work offline" (under "Tools")
Could it be something as simple as that?
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I checked that earlier!! My laptop does it all the time and it's very irritating.
Thanks anyway.
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I uninstalled Avast and it worked!! I'm a genius!!
Now, can someone please give me a link for free Malwarebytes?
Many thanks.
Here's a link to malwarebytes:
Click the silver button not the green one

But this is not suitable as a replacement for Avast.
Try MSE:
You should be using IE8 as your version for Windows XP as recommended by Microsoft using it may help your problem,
Excuse me for sounding simple, but if you cannot access the internet, how come this post?
Doh ^.........................she has 2 PC's
Oh, 'scuse me! Never realised that anyone was that rich!
I've got 2 as well..................hasn't everyone?
I've only got one! Am I deprived? Should I change my name to Hitler?
If it would make you feel good why not............

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PC Internet connectivity problem

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