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Robinia | 14:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
2074 Answers
I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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evening all, I have sat around most of the day peacefully listening to my toe oozing. Obviously the only thing I'll be exercising the next couple of days is my imagination.
Good morning from lovely sunny Ibiza.

Am staying in bed as Mr N is busy putting up my LED lights in the kitchen, and he doesn't do anything simply, he has to faff and make wooden things, wheras I would just stick them to the wall tiles! So I stay out of the way!

Have got awful arthritis pain in two fingers on the right hand, really painful, I feel so sorry for any of you who have this in larger joints. I hope it's not my new statin affecting me!

Paella today.

Hope you have a good day, and jno's toe pain is easing off.
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Morning all...another dark misty one. I'm sure it looks very romantic across the hills of Derbyshire but t'aint superb in the suburbs.

Yes neti we suffer with our itis' and algia's but we don't like to complain...much...please feel free to unload all your troubles in here...
note to self: be nice to neti
Haha jno, the only way it can affect you is that I cannot do the V sign to you atm!!
Morning all (just)
Raining ,dull ,dreary and I could do with some Ibiza sunshine.
Hope you're all ok though .
That sounds awful Jno .I hope it heals up .
I'll swap your two fingers for my whole body Neti.Please monitor the situation and report back:)
ad a lovelyd ay with Mr N (you won't hear me say that too often!!) we had paella lunch but it all tastes too salty for me atm, he says it was fine, maybe it's my anti bi's or something! Then we sat in the sun at a nice cafe (not my usual hovel!) and had coffee and cakes. then we sat together in lounge and watch TV, he's now gone to bed so I can sit in lounge with fire effect glowing, love it, all cosy.

Fingers are fine now, hardly any pain at all, but blimey shaney if you get that in your hips or elsewhere it must be unbearable, I couldn't stand it.
Lol Neti ...I've got it in all my joints .Not much I can do about it .Just have to KBO.
I'm like a puppet on a string :)
I'm glad there's some nice weather somewhere in the world 'cos there aint none here .Not much on teevee tonight although that programme about the Mekong River with Sue Perkins is good .
Hello all, we are running round doing crazy stuff. Today we went to Ikea, it was like the worlds biggest rugby scrum with added shopping trolleys
Good morning. Warm and sunny here! For some strange reason last night my hip started really hurting and can hardly walk on it. Whatever have I done. I am fed up with being old. I want to dance again like Jude.
Hope you are all in better fettle than I am.
Just took some washing to do in the laundry room, and I could walk fine, aches a bit but definitley can walk again, phew relief!
you must have touched your hip with your arthritic fingers, neti. Haven't you been wearing your isolation suit?
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Morning dark and wet, high tide on the bird baths...tut

Hope you're all hobbling yourself to the breakfast buffet...
Morning all
It's raining and dreary . Hope you're all ok though .
Ooh thanks Robinia ..a drug cocktail, I'll have two of the pink ,one green and a cod liver oil tablet .Is there any toast to go with it ?
Yay hip is fine, went out for coffee (nothing but nothing stops that!) and hip no problemo, bought a lovely xmas dec with leaves baubles and a candle.
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I've been clearing out. Got a big bag of... well, tat really... for the charidee shop. They can either use it or sent it to be recyled.

hmmmm, stuff for more stuff

Lunch is served...
Am eating strange things, 2 avocados with vinagrette, 1 pickled egg, now salty biscuits with herb pate and german sweet sliced gherkins! mmmm? Must be an old lady thing!!
sounds like a pregnant lady thing to me.
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Been clearing up in the garden...gathered a big bag of leaves...better not get it mixed up with the charity bag.

Is it bedtime yet, I'm crackered?
Lol..tablets on toast ..makes a change from chs or sdns I suppose.
It's still raining here .I've done the washing which is draped on the airer as there's no chance of getting anything dry outside and apart from tidying round and fiddling about I've done b all today. It's almost dark out there now.

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