Anyone else having difficulties connecting to AnswerBank? Am using Firefox and the 'circle' goes round and round and . . . . often ending with time out message/ could not connect. For me, this has only been happening since I updated AVG 2013 a couple of weeks ago.
Is it possible to downgrade to AVG 2012 - I never had problems with that?
Thank you for that VHG. Mine has now become almost impossible. Here is a screenshot of - it shows AnswerBank partially loaded and the green 'circle' top left corner trying to connect . . . . eventually it then goes to Unable to Cnnect.
Yes.vI'm on Chrome and usually have no problems but it's been so slow I've sometimes found it quicker to log out and back again. I get a faint message saying something like "waiting for"
I eventually logged out, cleared by cache and ran a series of virus checks.
I'll try a full Avast scan next
Thanks factor. I have just attempted to log into AnswerBank using Chrome. All I got was a white screen and the black 'circle' going round and round. And failure.
So back to Firefox - at least it sometimes connects.
It is annoying not knowing whether it is a website hiccup or a fault with one's own computer/network.
Thanks for the answers guys.Guess there's not much |I can do. I cannot pinpoint an advert loading problem cos there are no adverts till the whole page has loaded. Have Chaplin/s Panto's 4 Kids and Samsung Galaxy at the moment and an EDF Energy Ad. But whether I click on refresh or F5 there is a long wait before the page refreshes. Also a new post takes quite a while after clicking submit.
I ventured onto the other channel earlier sir.prize, and noticed that a particular oxo related poster on there still claims to know who dt is. I don't think so.