Throw Away Email Addresses in The AnswerBank: Internet
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Throw Away Email Addresses

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Maydup | 21:46 Wed 27th Feb 2013 | Internet
13 Answers
Which are the easiest throw away email addresses to use?

I want to create one, use it once for a special offer and ignore it after that. What should I do?
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Yahoo lets you create disposable names to hide your real address
You mean one that is Maydup?
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Yep! I need to make one up, collect my offer and never have to log into it again as it'll be full of junk no doubt.

So where should I go?
Yahoo is easy enough as suggested above. I've got yahoo accounts for that sort of thing.
Google have an offering – gmail. I set up an account for my CV, not wanting loads of junk e-mail sent to my usual e-mail account once my CV was sent to prospective employment agencies.

I’m sure if you search, you will find out how to set up an account.
I would say Hotmail.
I keep gmail for 'real' accounts as I prefer it. Could never get on with hotmail. Try a few and see how you get on. Most will let you have several different accounts.
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Thanks all. gmail worked a treat.
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Useful list headwreck, thanks
if you use Google Chrome, you could establish a gmail address and the little M box in the upper right will tell you if you have a reply......
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Below is the list of throw away email address provider-
YahooMail Classic

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