I recently could not get submit button to work on ab and phoned nternet explorer which was a mistake as they did sort it but seemed to make adjustments to the computer, Can anyone tell me how to get my email addresses and passwords back to get into 2 different accounts now it goes straight to one email and I can't get into other one. They did charge me for this .
It would be interesting to know the number you telephoned to contact IE.
It is true that IE is one of the few Browsers which is publicised as having E/mail and telephone helplines. However, definite lines of contact remain a mystery, so far as I am concerned.
Please post further. Meanwhile, I am giving thoughts to your problem and hope to be of some assistance to you.
No way can I find a way to identify the telephone which you contacted. I'll be quite blunt and say, the more I think about things the more I think that you may have been ripped-off. I am assuming that you paid for the supposed help you were given by disclosing your bank details. Consequently, I think you should quickly contact your Bank to make sure that only the amount to which you agreed has been credited to the firm involved. I think I would also be arranging a new account number for fear that the 'IE helpers' submit a further debit to your account.
As regards your E/mails are you saying that you had two separate accounts which have now merged themselves into a single address. If so things are getting even more problematic.
Incidentally, it will help my further thoughts on the whole matter if you will say what e/mail programme you are you using.
Someone had been trying to get into my account afterwards but were stopped by Bank , I now have a new card, It is yahoo who I will maybe phone as they were quite helpful before and it was free.