Security Essentials in The AnswerBank: Internet
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Security Essentials

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Khandro | 12:11 Sun 04th Aug 2013 | Internet
23 Answers
A new development over the last few days is that sometimes (not always)when I boot up my PC, I have a long - maybe 5 minute delay, and then I get a message 'Your computer may be at risk, no firewall is turned on - click this balloon to solve the problem' I do so and then get a window showing that Firewall, Auto Updates and virus protection are all 'On' and then my computer opens up as normal.
Any ideas as to what is causing this annoying delay please?
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In an ideal world a computer with adequate ram memory and fast cpu things should run sufficiently to boot up in a reasonable time.

With borderline memory and perhaps a slightly slow cpu, problems start up. Windows boots up by loading the O/S into memory, at the same time other programs are trying to load up as well. Windows will 'queue' these into memory for later attention. If there is not sufficient memory then Windows will then 'queue' them into virtual memory stored on the HDD. Virtual memory is quite slow and is often a reason for a poor response.

This is why I asked how much ram memory was fitted and how many programs were running on boot-up.
Hi Khandro were you referring to Bastards in your latest posting. If so I agree and, whilst I am aware that certain issues are a pain in the arse, I sincerely hope matters have now been resolved. If Not, you know where your friends are. :-)

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S.A. Following your suggestion that there might be too many programmes hogging resources on start-up, I looked to see what was going on there and on the task bar was Windows Messenger, which I have never used - don't even know what it is! By typing into Google "How do I remove windows messenger from XP" I found clear instructions and did so. It's one less encumbrance and up to now start up has been OK.
v_e. Please note.

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