Food & Drink0 min ago
Bt Sports....
6 Answers
Ive changed to bt internet as of today and get bt sports for free. How do I connect my tablet (and my son his laptop) to the tv to allow us to watch it on our tv's. Just tried to use usb connection on tv to my tabletbut dont know how to get it on tv screen?
http:// gadgetwise. blogs. nytimes. com/ 2013/ 04/ 23/ qa- linking- a- samsung- tablet- to- a- tv/?_ r= 0 Looks like you can with the 10"
18:55 Tue 10th Dec 2013
http:// gadgetw ise.blo gs.nyti /2013/0 4/23/qa -linkin g-a-sam sung-ta blet-to -a-tv/? _r=0
Looks like you can with the 10"
Looks like you can with the 10"