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This Is A Good Looking Bike.

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sandyRoe | 11:48 Wed 03rd Sep 2014 | ChatterBank
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go to specsavers, go directly to specsavers, do not pass go
i want one
No gears? no way.
i'm assuming there is an automatic gear change
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There seems to be a fashion at the minute for bikes without gears. For younger fitter cyclists, anyway.
they dont show you the left side. there appears to be more interesting bits on that side.
if that's the case i'm crossing it off my list
there's nothing new. I had similar bikes 50 years ago.
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I hope this new one would be a bit more sophisticated than that.^ But the basic principles would be much the same.
"Hank Direct Bike" Media URL:
Description: via @YouTube"Hank Direct Bike" .. a new bike can be folded:
Hmm, 3 speed, 7% increase in pedaling power due to lower transmission losses and weighing 7kg compared to the 9kg of the lightest Brompton, might be an interesting city bike
you could save a fortune on bicycle clips, sandy.
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Don't need them now I've taken to wearing lycra when I cycle.
Where's the pedals?
Given the affectionate nickname of "Hank" . Only the first letter wrong then!!
if that's the case sandy i hope you've also took to wearing your cap backwards whilst out cycling
Where's the pedals?

The pedals are cleats!

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