Sunday night is quiz night at a local club. Last week I totally embarrassed myself so I thought I would share it with you.
Naturally I always have the pen and the answer sheet but last week I was late. To my horror I discovered that the person in charge of the pen was not even a member of my regular team but a woman I dislike who is usually a member of a rival team. She is opinionated and even if the rest of the team are 100% certain of the answer, she will write down what she wants. By halfway through the quiz I had steam coming out of my ears and a vein was throbbing in my forehead.
Then it happened. The questions was "True or false, there are no plums in a plum duff pudding." The answer was known to all of us, that there are no plums in plum duff. When I say all of us, I meant all of us except the woman with the pen.
She snorted and said "Of course it has plums in. The clue is in the name you cretins."
A discussion ensued between the two of us and our voices were getting louder and louder. Pens throughout the room were laid down and even the quizmaster decided our argument was more interesting than his quiz.
I then came out with the killer line that had the room in uproar.
"Well, what about spotted dick then?"
We must be doing something wrong in our quiz team (apart from the obvious not actually winning), because we don't have heated disagreements and resolve any differences calmly.