Does anyone have an email address to which I can report scam emails from this company. I got 4 this morning all asking me details so they can make a CHAPS payment into my account. I have NEVER had an HSBC a/c and don't do online banking with my own bank. Thank you for any advice you can give.
I've forwarded lots of these, with copies of the headers, to the reporting addresses given for paypal, hmrc, banks etc but I'm not convinced there's much they can do about it as the same emails keep coming. The phishers seem to be able to spoof email addresses and mask their own and they probably have lots of others they can generate easily if one gets closed down; and I suspect the scammers are always a step ahead of the banks
HSBC are not actually sending these emails, rather a scammer pretending to be them, but you can forward them (as an attachment if poss.) on to They will then take any appropriate action to try & catch them. Media URL: Description:
I have the emails addresses to report phishing emails allegedly from HMRC, natwest, hsbc, Lloyds, and Barclays. If anybody ever needs them, let me know.
I had one from paypal . It said dear customer ect . Any genuine e mails from paypal state my name . That said they wanted to check my details ect . I just delete them without opening .