Crosswords3 mins ago
Knctr ?
I have tried to uninstall this, I don't know how it got there, and when looking on google to uninstall, it offers a spycheck, which I don't want either.
Anyone know how I can clear it, I've already tried 'Malware'.
Anyone know how I can clear it, I've already tried 'Malware'.
Not opened any of the links but there seems to be a fair number of places related to it's removal on Google. https://www. /search?q=Kn ctr&rlz= 1C1EODB_enGB 572GB591& ;oq=Knctr&am p;aqs=chrome ..69i57j69i6 0j69i61& sourceid=chr ome&ie=UTF-8
08:12 Wed 21st Sep 2016
Not opened any of the links but there seems to be a fair number of places related to it's removal on Google.
https:/ /www.go .uk/sea rch?q=K nctr&am p;rlz=1 C1EODB_ enGB572 GB591&a mp;oq=K nctr&am p;aqs=c hrome.. 69i57j6 9i60j69 i61& ;source id=chro me& ie=UTF- 8
When you say...I've already tried 'Malware' you mean Malwarebytes, because that would be my choice to remove anything left behind after clearing-out Knctr.
Knctr would have arrived in your equipment (as a packaged item) when you download a particular programme that you wanted. Consequently you will need to find and uninstall it and then give a run-through with the free edition of Malwarebytes.
Click Start > Control Panel > Uninstall a Program.
Look down list for Knctr and click onto it.
Click 'Uninstall' and then OK to save the changes.
Whilst in the 'Uninstall a Programme' section, it will be worthwhile noting the date that Knctr arrived and then seeing what else came as a download the same day; and removing any other downloads you you Do Not require.
Knctr would have arrived in your equipment (as a packaged item) when you download a particular programme that you wanted. Consequently you will need to find and uninstall it and then give a run-through with the free edition of Malwarebytes.
Click Start > Control Panel > Uninstall a Program.
Look down list for Knctr and click onto it.
Click 'Uninstall' and then OK to save the changes.
Whilst in the 'Uninstall a Programme' section, it will be worthwhile noting the date that Knctr arrived and then seeing what else came as a download the same day; and removing any other downloads you you Do Not require.
The guide in this post http:// wiseuni nstalle ninstal l-guide s/cant- uninsta ll-knct r-compl ete-rem oval-gu ide/ did the trick. I got knctr somehow several days ago and often received the message saying the software is still running and I couldn't uninstall it. Just shut down the program first and then uninstall it from Programs and Features, the problem will be fixed.
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