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jennyjoan | 12:36 Wed 03rd Feb 2021 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
I'm having a bit of difficulty with my OutLook etc.

It used to be when you received an email you could REPLY - now the REPLY BUTTON is at the bottom of the recent email.

However when you do REPLY - I'm just finding out that they are not going through. Message comes up in red (Draft - not sent)

Has Outlook changed things.

Also while on here (which I know should be in Technology) - does it do any harm to delete Browsing history and Cache? etc.


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There should be a reply arrow at the top left of each email on Outlook.

I tried replying using the 'reply' at the bottom but it didn't work so I just do it from the top.

No harm done if you delete browsing history or clear cache. It's recommended and I do it regularly without ticking the delete password option.

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Tiggs - my reply button was always on that place you mentioned but it has gone completely and it is now at the end of the "new" email.
How long has it been like that? It may be just a glitch.

I have outlook (hotmail) and all seems fine on both my tablet and desktop. Reply arrow is where it should be.

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