"It really is about time Uncle Sam changed the gun laws."
It's not as simple as that though is it?
There are many factors that make the USA totally different to the UK. A blanket ban is virtually impossible with over 400million gunsin the US do you think the criminal gangs will hand them over, do you think they will grab them off the 'hillbillies' ? Do you think normally law abiding citizens who fear for their lives in their own home will hand them over, and many more examples?
Although they could clearly curb the sale of some automatic weapons I doubt it would make a jot of difference, they would just be run over the border from Mexico from Central America the only difference would be they were more expensive meaning the criminals that want one need to rob even more.
The real problem that is continually overlooked in the USA is why people want to kill each other. Remove guns, they will just find some other way - as has been seen occasionally in the UK (vehicles etc). Unless they get to the bottom of this things will never change guns or not.
And then, as pointed out above, there is the political suicide of trying to ban them.