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Printer Problem

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Cruiselover | 13:41 Mon 08th Jul 2024 | Technology
3 Answers

I have recently changed my BT Broadband password.

I successfully updated my TV, Computer and smart phone however my WiFi HP printer is saying I am not connected and despite my numerous efforts I am failing to update the password. 

Wondering if anyone can help explaining to me in simple English how to do it. Not technical minded in any way 




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You shouldn't even need a password if both your printer and router support WPS connections (which they almost certainly do these days).  You simply need to press the appropriate buttons on each of them.

If you need help, please provide the exact model number for your HP printer and tell us which type of BT Home Hub you've got:

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It is a BT smart hub 2 and my printer is HP ENVY 4527

When I attempt to print a message appears on my computer screen advising unable to contect to printer

Every modern printer I've ever come across supports WPS (where you simply press a button to connect, rather than entering a pasword) but, as far as I can tell from a web search, yours seems not to.  (So I'm left wondering about just how old it is!).

This might help though:

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Printer Problem

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