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Can Anyone Remember The First 100 Days Of...

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sandyRoe | 18:48 Thu 19th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

... Blair's premiership?

I don't, but can't believe he was subjected to the bitter attacks that Sir Keir is undergoing.

I get my feeling for the state of the nation mostly from reading posts here on AB and accept I may not be getting a balanced view.



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Well Blair didn't start off like Kneel Wrong Un has did he?

... in fact Blair introduced the WFA that they are now snatching away to spend on foriegners and inflation busting pay rises.


Anyone remember Liz Truss's first 100 days, well 45 I suppose.


Bliar was a conniving deceitful git but was too proud to be a sponger. Starmer has no shame and thereby shames us all. What sort of bloke lets another man buy his missus's frocks and knickers, and his specs, the better to see them?  

I wonder if pally Alli tries his missus's kit on first? 

No the first weeks were spent over whether Cherie reallyhad said - "I want that cat dead"

...and fixing her barnet so she could answer the door looking half human.

It was very much like today - Blair knew he had to keep quiet and the tories ( brown envelopes, men in white coats) wd vote themselves out of office

and I cannot think when I first thought - ooer what have I voted for?

and I cannot think when I first thought - ooer what have I voted for? - -  er because I spent a year off work after ca colon - yes 25 y ago folks!

I'm a Labour voter, but I feel Starmer has only got himself to blame, for accepting such large gifts. I hope he puts all this to bed soon and gets on with sorting out the country. 


It's a load of fluff, that the Tory press are whpping up, compared to the mess the Tories created over the last 6-8 years. Five PM's - Dave, May, Bozo, Lettuce and Richy.


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