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Drill, Baby, Drill, Or.....

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Atheist | 22:51 Thu 09th Jan 2025 | News
17 Answers

Burn, Baby, burn...

Do you think that Trump will cravenly admit that so-called Glocal Warning is actually Trew? Make America Grate Again!

(This in response to HolyWood going up in smoke. Last I saw was 5 deaths and more to come. Thank god Gaza is not going up in smoke tonite.)



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Have you had a tipple?


I don't think many people call it global warming any more.

I think he may believe in Climate Change but doesn't believe it is manmade.

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No. Every word is carefully considered before being committed to pixels. Any thoughts on Trump's mind? Perhaps it's all Biden's fault?

I think the world is in for a huge shock when Trump takes charge in 9 days' time.  Greenland, Panama, Ukraine, ain't seen nothin' yet

Trump couldn't give a flying tush about global warming or anyone in California.

They didn't vote for him. 

Sick op.

Well, call an ambulance Naomi

As long as Trump can feed his massive ego and also massive bank balance nothing else matters

At least his priority is the USA economy and not pandering to the eco nutjobs.  Wish we had politicians with guts who would continue to drill baby drill in the north sea.

Global warming????.....obviously you havent been near Scotland last year Atheist.Global Warming,aye,right.

Again the confusion between climate & weather.

Starange sort of priority, prijecting an image of Putin Lite for himself and indicating the US is no longer anyone's ally but a threat to anyone's sovereignty and trade.


He should dial down the crepe and start considering looking like a rational politician, leader, and diplomatic global statesman; an ambassador for his country.


Meanwhile in the real world a man is arrested and charged with arson after being caught carrying a propane flame torch and apprehended by "citizens" after being spotted setting fires. Everybody back on the glow bull bus. 

@09.41.Yes,methinks this has more to do with arsonists and lightning strikes rather than the"global warming"myth.

Ref. California Fires: Part of my reading matter at the moment just happens to be about James Cook's first voyage & the 30,000 (!!) plants he brought back, with many of them illustrated by the redoubtable botanical artist Joseph Banks.

Many of them eventually found their way to the New World particularly, I read, the Eucalyptus tree and the Bourgainvilleaspectabilis. 

The writer comments of the former; 'They now stand out because of the role they have played in the forest fires in California & Portugal'.

And of the latter from the New Yorker in 1989; ' The California burning season can be identified by a drop in humidity & when the twisted woody branches of the Bougainvillea begin ratting in the driveway & people start watching the horizon for smoke' 

So it would appear that there is nothing particularly new  to the present fires.

"Meanwhile in the real world a man is arrested and charged with arson after being caught carrying a propane flame torch and apprehended by "citizens" after being spotted setting fires. Everybody back on the glow bull bus." 


The Los Angeles fires were all started either deliberately or because of negligence. The climate didn't start them off.

Unfortunate weather conditions (high winds and no rain) made them far worse.

Since the USA is second only to China for total CO2 emissions (and far away top of the list per capita) they can hardly complain if they did believe climate change was the cause.

Reading the Op, it appears that the Trump derangement syndrome (TDS), is actually a real and odd disorder. Sad and bizarre but it is what it is I suppose!

TDS is strong in the OP.

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