Does aubergine go with sky blue and a brown leather sofa? my mum just decorated her front room in these colours, it all seemed to match when we put the samples together but the wallpaper has come out lighter than we thought and makes the room look a bit icy. Is there any other colours we can add to counteract the "icy" feeling?
Take a photograph of the room and scan it into your computer. Using a draw/paint package try different colour schemes to find the one you like. I have used this procedure for the outside of my property and it works a treat even getting the right shade which you can then take to the store that mixes the paint.
May be in danger of looking like a football strip! (cant think which team) what is aubergine? soft furnishings? might be better spicy warm brown/tans and furry throws and cushions make it cosier also warmer colour light bulbs make a lot of difference especially if they are not 'centre of the room' but uplighting walls or as table lamps.
Try it has a function where you can "paint" a room in your chosen colours and see the effect.
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