hi, if you want free downloads but don't want to download a load of software try this
go to google.co.uk and type in either MULTIPLY.COM followed by the artist name and the title of the song, google will search through the multiply site and find users with the song for share, click on the link from google which will then take you to that user's page, scroll down the page until you find the song that you are looking for and right click on 'download' select 'save target as' and if you have itunes/windows media player you can 'add the file to library'. I have used this a few times and have been able to find most songs that i have been looking for, also as it's a playlist sharing site it's legal.
also try the above but with WEBJAY.ORG followed by artist and song title follow the link, find the song and right click on 'URI Link' and save target as. (also playlist sharing site so legal)
also SINGINGFISH.COM have free downloads
hope this helps