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LAN help

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muppeteer | 13:36 Sun 15th Apr 2007 | Internet
2 Answers
sky broadbank will work on the laptop, but when connected to desk top computer on-board LAN not working. do i need to enable it in bios & if so how?


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When it's plugged in, does it start flashing? If so, it should be working. If not, then yes you'll need to enable it in the BIOS if it isn't already. This varies from computer to computer, but generally you get into the BIOS by pressing the 'del' key as you start the computer and it's counting through memory right at the start.
Did you run the Sky disk in your pc? it has various files needed to communicate with the stupid Sky netgear router. Still having bother go to

Very amazing site, you'll get hooked on your broadband in a short time when reading this stuff

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