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JOLLYLASS | 14:33 Sun 12th Aug 2007 | Internet
6 Answers
a few weeks ago my mum got a phone call from a company saying that she could get sky tv channels through her broadband line a lot cheaper than sky. They said that after initial payment of �70 it would be �10 a month. They have taken �98 out of her bank 3 weeks ago and still she has not received any paperwork or installation date. the website is also unavailable at the moment. Has anyone else had one of these phone calls????is it a scam???
thanks in advance.


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from the bit i've read here, it does look a bit iffy......... play-tv.html
and the website looks ok now
I cannot believe she was happy enough to give her bank details to someone who just rang up on the phone.

In this age of scams and identity theft it is VERY risky dealing with any company that you are not 100% sure about.

It may be worth having a word with her and suggesting doing busines this way is NOT a good idea.
From the reaserch I have done you get few if any Sky channels (assuming you ever get it at all).

The only sky channels you may get are free ones that are available on Freeview such as Sky News and maybe Sky 3.

You certainly WONT get Sky 1, Sky Movies or Sky Sports etc.

I get the impression the people who phone you up will say anything to get you to sign up, even promising sky channels.

As I said in my prevous append NEVER agree to anything that is offered over the phone, there are some nasty people out there who will take your money for doing nothing.
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thanks for your comments and yes i have had a serious chat with her about turns out that its setanta and not sports 1 2 3 which is what she wanted. she has now cancelled with the bank and we have emailed them for a refund. we live in hope.!!!
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well the money went back into her account on monday 20th august. thanks again

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