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can someone please explain

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Doc Spock | 11:23 Fri 31st Aug 2007 | Internet
11 Answers
that happy home thingy ?????????


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Waste of time basically
what is it??
Question Author
No idea.
I don't know either Doc , I can't make head nor tail of it :-)
If this is a serious question, then here's a serious answer. Most of us like security, comfort and safety. So we like to go home and relax and feel safe and do our own thing. Those of us with kids like to look around at our family and feel proud of them. I take it that is what you are talking about? (Otherwise I don't understand your 'question').
its a forum me thinks looked at it, it had hardly any members and then got this email from them today -

dear member, thank you for registering with happyhome, we value your membership
and friendship. it has come to light that some members have registered and have
still not posted or joined in chat/discussions. it is therfore important now
that we have a member count and try to assertain who the genuine members are and
who are the root hangers on/troublemakers. do not be alarmed at this we are
purely singleing out the members who are not in the least interested in showing
any loyalty to the site, those you are not interested in making friens or
contributing in anyway.
we therfore ask members to post an intelligent question/topic at least once
every 30 days.
sadly we need to prune members and the ones who show no interest will have their
accounta terminated.

thank you for your understanding and hope to hear from you soon.



Fair enough to say, i wont be going back
Thanks, Djerba. Makes sense now.
i got an email like that a while back from "chatterbank", havent been back since
-- answer removed --
I dont think that was a rude email for them to send. No point in having a hundred members if they dont post. I delete people from my forum if they join and dont post
Question Author
I'm still confused.

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Do you know the answer?

can someone please explain

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