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tamirra | 20:05 Tue 02nd Oct 2007 | Internet
3 Answers
Hi, can someone please tell me how to stop spam coming through on my tiscali mail in box. Thankyou


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IS it an online one?
IE: you go onto their webpage to read your emails or is it through outlooketc.
I can only suggest you get some spam blocking software and when sighning up to things look for boxes that say "i do not wish to recieve promotional materieral" etc.
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Its when i go to read mail from tiscali, there is so many of them.
The only real way to stop it now (apart from an email filter) would be to change addresses and be extremely careful of where you post your email address online.

You are on spam lists now and you will never be removed. If you must post your email address online always post it like:

tamirra (at) tiscali (dot) co (dot) uk

as many spammers have tools that automatically scan web pages for email address. I have a hotmail account for sites where I have to post my email and a proper one for day to day usage.

My hotmail one regularly fills up with spam whereas my proper one doesn't.

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