On Bail
I made a terrible prank on Halloween. I made a webcam of me dressed up as Michael Myers pretending I was going to kill someone. This person is a very complex person, she runs a local nightclub and has barred me at the nightclub because of a conflict between her and my mother. I was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndome, even though I am quite sociable, but it's only a mild form of Autism. The problem is I uploaded 2 videos onto facebook.com and she managed to view them; I had not intended for the videos to be directly sent to her. The videos are of me dressed up as Myers and threatening to kill her, I am very comical in the video and my friends found it hilarious. She is a very spiteful person, who bars people for the littlest of reasons and she has also barred my friends as they have made a group about me in protest against my arrest. The arrest came, when I was out on Halloween at a pub with my friends and she had seen me; her immediate reaction was to call the police and the police arrested me. I was imprisoned for a night and interviewed the next day. I was admittant about the video and I have been let off on bail; I told the cops it was a practical joke and I did not intend to hurt her. She knows me well enough to know I wouldn't do that. I did not realize the consequences of my actions neither the problems it sufficed. I like to be funny and to joke around and my friends and people around me, including my lecturer know this. They tell me things are going to be fine and my lecturer will write to the Police about me as a person.