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tigersam258 | 08:49 Fri 11th Apr 2008 | Internet
5 Answers
Is this website a scam?? Has anyone had a good experience with it?


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Never used it, and not exactly a scam, but users pay for each bid they make and then the winner pays for the item + delivery; auctions can also be extended by last minute bidding (and, I would guess, by imaginary bids until Telebid have made enough profit).

If an item gets enough bids (and I suspect it is rigged to guarantee that there are always enough bids) then Telebid will have made enough out of the bids to pay for the item two (or more) times over. I guess you could get lucky and make the winning bid first time, but don't count on it!
There are enough negative comments here to make me think it is a scam. A cleverly controlled one, but a scam none the less. .html?t=650139&page=2

The thing is you PAY to bid, and can pay hundreds of pounds and if you lose the auction you still may finish up with nothing.
By the way, you can check for yourself if any web site is a scam.

Just use google to search on the web site name and the word scam, like this: scam

This returns lots of results and a look though them makes you realise many people have lost money and gained nothing for it.

You can do the same for any web site you are not sure of.
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thanks guys. i know that if something sounds too good to be true, it normally is.

Actually Telebid is not a scam, it works, but it is not for everyone. It is not a gambling site, it is considered Gaming by the UK gambling commission because it cleverly fits into this category, because you can use skill to win in the form of a well placed bid or Bid butler.

I won a �299 Sony blue-ray player for a total �58 after bids which was a loss to them due to the auction only generating a total of �120.

It took them just under a month to send it, but it did arrive.

Although I did manage to blow nearly �450 on trying to win a PS3. I was burned by it. But that was my choice to continue playing.

The system they use seems unfair. I can't wait for Price Plummet its going to be a lot fairer on the players.

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