I want to send a letter to a committee which will be signed by many members, but wondered if there is any way of doing it online, i.e. by people adding their name and then passing it on, like the petition sites. This is not a petition as such, just a letter many people want to send. Any ideas as to how to do this please without actually printing it off and getting it signed?
Petitions are amost invariably ignored. One letter is worth more than dozens of signatures on apetition. However duplicating letters is not especially effective either.
Just put the letter online where it can be downloaded.
If it is intended for emailing just provide the text and get people to email it. Anything like sending email from a site will look like an attack and probably get blocked because it will all come from the same IP address.
I was thinking of something like sending a Word document that people could just add there names too , but I think that would be read only . Don't have Word on this machine but I'd assume there's a way round it