I am aware of the TPS service, Telephone Preference Service that blocks out any unwanted sales calls but is there any service that can stop junk emails??
I am swamped with rubbish from America and have discovered the block sender option on the drop down message menu, when you have a message highlighted.
It not only blocks the sender, it also deletes any messages from them in the folder at the same time. Very quick and easy and I will be doing this a lot in the future.
If I get junk emails with a strange address such as spammer@spammersworld.com I use the filter and block @spammersworld.com. This is far more effective than blocking the whole email address.
Don't do it if the address is hotmail, yahoo, gmail or any other proper email address such as bt, tiscali, blueyonder, as you will be blocking a lot of legitimate emails.
does your email account not come with a spam filter?
i am with talk21(now yahoo) and the filter is excellent with only the occasional mail creeping thru(less than 1 a week on average)