acer aspire mobile dongle in The AnswerBank: Computers
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acer aspire mobile dongle

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montyzoomer | 19:36 Sun 31st May 2009 | Computers
3 Answers
hi does any body out there in computer land no wether its possible for a mobile broadband dongle to work on the linux operateing systerm ie on my acer aspire one ,t-mobile tells me thers does not,after selling me one and letting me spend most of sunday afternoon trying to install it ,if there is no mobile dongle available?,what the options ?,it works well at home from the wireless router but thats not what i bought it for,is it possible to change the operateing systerm say to windows xp,please help cheers
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you'll have to search the acer site
find the drivers for your model before making the change - or you'll just end up deeper in the sh*t
Most broadband dongles can be made to work on linux, they are treated as a old style modem and you have to setup a dialup connection for them.

But your biggest problem will probably be due to the flavour of linux those little aspire ones come with, it's a very cut down version of linux and doesn't come with the modules to manage a dialup connections.

this tells you roughly how to do it, although this page is about a nokia phone the principle is the same as they are both USB modems.

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acer aspire mobile dongle

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