Also: "Have you got error messages when you start your computer do you see a Blue screen with white text do you see the dreaded words Critical Stop"
That's three sentences without a full stop or question mark between 'em.
Have you got error messages?
When you start your computer do you see a Blue screen with white text?
Do you see the dreaded words Critical Stop?
Error Messages - Have you got error messages when you start your computer do you see a Blue screen with white text do you see the dreaded words Critical Stop A.K.A BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH. or maybe when your computer logs on to your Windows account you see a window popup giving you a certain error code if you see any of these then contact us as soon as possible, there may be a chance your data could be lost.
Software - Having problems installing some new software or cant download the software that you have purchased online maybe you want to upgrade your Anti-virus software and you can’t seem to get it working this is something that the Engineer can do for you.
Break it up into sentences. Invest in some punctuation. Use commas to make it easier to read. Put apostrophes in words like 'cant', put question marks at the end of questions.
You could do with a question mark after "Have you just bought one of the latest games consoles i.e. Sony Playstation 3, Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, DS & DSi" as It doesn't read very well. Personally I like the errors and blue screen of deaths, they make windows 95/98 look good.