There's a free download from iTunes in today's Times. I haven't bothered with iTunes before and am unhappy that to get this download I have to create an account which includes having to give a credit card number and it's security code.
Is there any way to get such a free download without the need to give such details? Is everybody quite happy with the level of data protection that iTunes provides?
No. iTunes uses your account details so you can prove you "own" the tracks.
iTunes is one of the biggest music stores in the world and provides a high level of data protection, does not share its data and provides clean copies (no malware) of its media files
bibblebub -you can {I think} use iTunes without an account set-up by buying iTunes card which is available in most Supermarkets priced £15 upward - scratch off the label to reveal a code which you redeem in the iTunes Store which displays the amount of credit you have left after each purchase.....Hope that helps....