I have a Toshiba Equium L350D lap top.
It will not connect to my wireless router properly, the message reads "connected with limited connectivity". when this is the case I cant access the internet unless i use the ethernet cable as now.
Every other laptop connects ok and all the games consoles connect with no issue.
I have tried 3 times to delete the wireless device driver and restart the laptop to re install it but it does not make any difference.
This only used to happen on occasions but in receent days has been permanent.
Any ideas ?
Have you tried deleting ALL the wireless connections stored in the Wireless properties, and rebooting/pass in new connection?
Tried renaming router name,storing, then changing back again and reconnecting?
Tried a wireless driver update from driver downloaded from manufacturers website?
When I get that message it is usually a memory problem that prevents full connectivity.
If I have two or three browser windows open with over 10 tabs in each and then hibernate the computer, it usually gives that message when I wake it up.
It usually means that you haven't entered the key to match the security settings on your router, or the wireless device is configured to use a different security protocol from the router