asks Margie A. The benefits are that it is usually a lot cheaper than buying the same piece of luggage on the high street and you don't have to lug it home. Q. Can you recommend some good online
00:00 Mon 10th Sep 2001Asks panda A. A weblog or blog as they are sometimes known, is an online diary. Q. Who writes them A. Anyone can write one and become a 'blogger' and most of the ones you'll find online are written
00:00 Mon 10th Sep 2001Asks panda A. The Internet Service Provider (ISP) you are referring to is called Its Good to Give. It donates 1 of the 9.99 monthly subscription charge to a number of
00:00 Mon 03rd Sep 2001Asks fridaX A. A lot of websites have sprung up recently that develop your prints for you, this basically replaces your traditional photo developer, instead you send your undeveloped film to your
00:00 Mon 03rd Sep 2001Asks Margie A. Don't chuck out your old computer or mobile phone (or indeed any old office equipment), you can usually have it recycled and used by someone else. There are several schemes now that
00:00 Mon 03rd Sep 2001asks daisydotes A. You certainly can, there are lots of sites that specialise in selling used cars. The quality of the cars you buy really depends on how much you're prepared to spend. You can buy
00:00 Mon 27th Aug 2001asks Brandon A. An e-directory is a portal for online shopping, where every online shop within the directory has been vetted for its credentials and security. Allegedly, it is a safe place to shop on
00:00 Mon 27th Aug 2001asks esmeharrison A. Interactive TV (iTV) is a form of broadcasting that allows the viewer to interact with the television set in ways other than controlling the channel and the volume setting - the
00:00 Mon 27th Aug 2001Asks spiderwhale A. Currently, it is only available for Mac OS X in preview format - which means that it is not in its final format and Netscape welcome any feedback you can give if you choose to
00:00 Mon 20th Aug 2001Asks howardpiercy A. BT Openworld is a new satellite service that will provide high-speed Internet connections to the home. It is targeted at the SoHo (small office home office) environment and will
00:00 Mon 20th Aug 2001Asks monkeysay A. There are loads of career specific sites on the Internet that are best found via any search engine by typing in the subject area and recruitment e.g. accountancy+recruitment.
00:00 Mon 20th Aug 2001Asks jellybean A. This term refers to the disparity between those people that can use computers, and ultimately the Internet, and those that cannot. It is believed that if you do not have computer
00:00 Mon 13th Aug 2001asks alicevida A. The term procurement, in business circles, refers the means of acquiring the best services and suppliers for your business at the best prices, and obtaining the highest quality
00:00 Mon 13th Aug 2001asks monkeysay A. No, it is not true. What is true is that BT and Deutsche Telekom (DT) are to join forces to build their thirdgeneration mobile networks in the UK and Germany. This was announced
00:00 Mon 13th Aug 2001Asks mollyprixe A. A digital signature is a way of signing, and therefore authorising, a transaction online. Digital signatures provide an Internet user with a unique identity document protected by
00:00 Mon 06th Aug 2001Asks danmiller103 A. Most viruses are passed through email - usually through an attachment, which once opened runs a macro or visual basic script on your computer. This basically means that it
00:00 Mon 06th Aug 2001 The Canon Digital IXUS V Asks danmiller103A. There are loads of new mobile gadgets on the market that cost a lot less than 500, and believe it or not, not all of them are related to
00:00 Mon 06th Aug 2001Asks howardpiercy A. It is not true that they have pulled out of the mobile communications market entirely, but it has announced (in mid-July) that it has pulled out of the consumer market for PDAs
00:00 Mon 30th Jul 2001Asks Miranda A. It depends on which company provides your energy supply, but it is more than likely that you can. Your energy supplier will probably have sent you details of how to do this by post,
00:00 Thu 26th Jul 2001Asks mollyprixe A. The Internet is the biggest education resource ever, and it can potentially help your children do all their homework until they leave university. But they have to know how to access
00:00 Thu 12th Jul 2001