I am a childminder who will have a vacancy at the end of the year. I am just wondering if it's worth setting up my own website for further advertising but have no idea how to do this or how much it costs. I would be grateful for any information anyone could provide me about this.
Our web hosting thing was free to start off with. However, I don't know if it is worth your effort for the amount of new places you have available. Have your tried the things for sale bit for your area on FB - some of your other clients might be on there and say nice things about you which could drum up business?
You can set up free websites without much knowledge at all. Weebly for example is totally free unless you want a 'proper' domain name such as .com or .co.uk.
If you only have one vacancy and your customer will almost certainly be local then I would think that a postcard in your local Newsagents door window would be your best, cheapest and easiest answer.