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norfolkgal | 14:13 Sat 27th Aug 2011 | Technology
12 Answers
I have an Orange phone but no sim card as the old one has expired

How much will a pay as you go sim cost me?


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you could probably get one for free.
Question Author
Ohh where from?
There is an Orange shop in town..... would it e free?
I think they are free.
you'd be more likely to get a free one from their web-site I'd imagine.

My local shops sell sims ranging from 99p to £1.99
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hi albaquety, dont want to sound dim here lol
but whats the difference etween the 99p adn £1.99 sim

I just want a sim that i can top up as and when i wish, with no plans of any kind
There's no difference in the sim itself, just what the shop feels like charging.
Question Author
ohh right , thanks

so I can get a sim for ess than £2 for my Orange phone and top up when i wish...
will pop to town Monday:-)
Try googling free sims, although you'll have to wait for the postman tho.
I've had mine for more years than I can think of and topping up when I need to/want to is handy.
Oh and Orange are offering free texts if you top up by £10 and they also have a competition running at the moment where if you win, you get £20 credit added to your phone:)
Sorry to interrupt, but can one use a sim card that they have had for quite a time but never topped it up?

Also can one put say an Orange sim card into a phone supplied by another network?
You can put any sim in any phone AOG but for it to work you need to get the phone unlocked.
I have recently got a giffgaff sim card. I put £10.00 on it every month and it gives me 250 mins( to landlines and mobiles), unlimited texts and unlimited access to the internet. Good value I think.

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