Toffee, thank you, glad I could help a little. At the end of the day selecting a new camera is a very personal thing but with research, handling and if possible using before purchasing, you usually end up with the right one. One thing I did notice when I changed to digital, at the beginning I became very lazy when taking the photograph. Previously the shot was composed and everything was checked before it was taken, with digital my attitude changed to "I'll sort it out on the computer". Luckily this attitude didn't last too long.
Eddie, no it wasn't me who bought your lens.The only photographic item I bought on e bay, was a larger bag. When the bag arrived, inside was a cheque for five pounds, the seller said she thought the description wasn't accurate and I could have the money. I e- mailed back and said I was perfectly happy with the bag and wouldn't be cashing the cheque, nice to meet honest and thoughtful people.