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eBay private transactions

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mungbeanz | 11:49 Wed 05th Oct 2011 | Technology
4 Answers
If you buy something off eBay can you request that it is private? For example if you are going to buy a gift for someone and you don't want them to see the purchase? I see that when you check feedback some transactions are private and some let you view the item. Thanks


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Hi mungbeanz. The person who is selling the item is the one who decides whether he wants to keep the sale private or not. When they list up the item, they have to check tick a box that gives them that option. If they tick 'yes' keep it private, then it is kept private. If he doesn't tick that option, others can see what has been sold. It has to be done when listing though. Does this make sense?
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Yes thanks. Is there any way to see on the listing if it is private then?
It will state it is private near the bidding box.

You could do what most people - create another ebay username which you keep secret.
Yes, scroll down to the bottom of the page and you should see this.

This is a private listing and your identity will not be disclosed to anyone except the seller.

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