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How do I make laptop screen/page size smaller?

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pidget | 11:00 Sun 13th Nov 2011 | Technology
6 Answers
I have somehow made the page on the laptop bigger (no idea how!), can anyone tell me how to make it smaller-at the moment the time etc at the bottom has gone and the address bar at the top will come down if you hover cursor but not there all the time.


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Hold down the Ctrl key and press + at the same time, to make the screen bigger
Sorry, to make it smaller you use Ctrl and the - key
and the same with the - (minus) to make it smaller.
Or use CTRL and 0 to bring it back to original size
Also press f11 to make the address bar come back.
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Yay, that's better. Thank you.x

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How do I make laptop screen/page size smaller?

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