I cannot log in to Paypal.
I haven't been able to log in since Saturday 19th.
Anyone else got this problem and any suggestions ?
I am not at all techie, so any suggestions , please in simple non-computerspeak language.
I can log in ok but have had issues with my a/c in the last week - they deiced to remove my bank acc so consequently I was paying with my back up source which is a CC! More than annoyed
lordalex cannot get through on his laptop either :-((
We had BT Infinity installed recently . Would this make a difference ?
(Don't laugh at me, I really, really don't understand these things. I regard them as magic. I press the keys and it all happens. Or it all should...)
Just to let you all know I have solved the problem.
In fact I do not know why I hadn't tried it before.
I used the tried and trusted method of switching everything off, waiting then switching everything on again.
(By everything I mean the modem, router, PC the lot).
Why does this work ?
That was a rhetorical question as I don't care really.
I am now a happy person. Thanks for all your responses.
Thanks, craft.....computers are a closed book to me...but why switching them on and off again works is even more of a mystery.
Do you think they see it as a warning that it they don't behave they will be switched off forever ?
ladyalex, I had the very same problem over the weekend, only I could not get into eBay. I eventually switched the whole shebang off, unplugged for a few seconds, then plugged in, pressed RESTART on my hub and now it is working perfectly!