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Land speed record

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SIRandyraven | 19:20 Thu 12th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
My new sat nav told me today I had averaged 172mph on a 55 mile drive.
Now that is good going I think.
Considering my Honda CRV has done only 500 miles so far and has a top speed of ...not sure ... But not 172mph.

The fastest I have been on land is 195mph (according to GPS on my iPhone) on A TGV train back in 2010.

What's the fastest you have ever been on land ?


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Whatever the train maxes out at on the East Coast main line.

70 miles per hour on the Motorway, m'lud ;-)
140 mph in a Corrado VR6 on the A3 on a saturday afternoon. But dont quote me on it.
129mph going across Anglesey in 2L MG Montego, late for the ferry to Ireland.....made it!
155 in a Mercedes 500SEC on the A1 about 25 years ago. I wasn't driving!
Those 2L Montegos were a right 'wolf in sheeps clothings'. I remember someone telling me in the late 80s 'if you want a cheap car thats shifts - buy one of those'. A grandads car with a 2L turbo engine, beat XR3is and Cavalier SRIs 'back in the day'

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Land speed record

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