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HD content not displaying on consoles

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Mattk | 21:09 Sun 25th Mar 2012 | Technology
3 Answers
I've downloaded some HD movies and moved them to my external HDD and they play fine on my pc but won't play on xbox 360 or PS3.

On 360 the screen just stays black and nothing happens at all but on ps3 the sound plays but still a black screen. I have played other HD content of similar sizes and in the same format (MP4) with no problems on both consoles.

Any ideas?



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What format is your external hdd? I believe it needs to be FAT32 for playing films on xbox and ps3.
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Yeh it is but as I said other content plays fine.
sorry, wasn't sure if the other content that played fine was on the same hdd! It might be something to do with the codecs, there's a bit more info here..

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HD content not displaying on consoles

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