New Children of Fiji quiz
We have recently returned from another very successful visit to Fiji helping disadvantaged children.
We have a new quiz available. It is called 'School Tmetable' and the 70 quesions are grouped under school subject lessons. Answers are a mix of factual and cryptic. CLOSING DATE June 16th 2012
To obtain your copy send £1 + sae (or £1.60) to 1 South Drive, Cattistock, Dorchester DT2 0JG or email us your address for a postal copy
[email protected] )
Alternatively we can email you a copy of the quiz for £1
Payment can be made in a number of ways. You can send a cheque (payable to children of Fiji) by post, pay online or straight into our charity account ( details on our website
You can text a whole number of pounds by texting FIJI42 £2/£3/£5 to 70070 eg text FIJI42 £3 to 70070
PLEASE LET US HAVE YOUR POSTAL OR EMAIL ADDRESS !! Don't just pay and hope we can identify you!
Peter and Margaret