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When I embarrassed my poor dad....

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Smowball | 13:02 Fri 18th May 2012 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
Was remembering when I was about 12 years old, but looked a lot older as I had developed big boobies!. There was a local show , quite big, with lots of stalls, food, animals etc. We loved it. There ws a stall where you could choose a picture/saying to be printed on a plain t shirt. My dad gave my brother and I the money to go and get one each. Half hour later I strolled back to my dad wearing min very proudly. When he saw me his face dropped and he ran over with his jacket to put over me, saying "Why did you pick that one??". Baffled, i couldnt figure out why he was cross . I did later on. The t-shirt I chose said on the front, in big letters:




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I think the worse thing I did to my dad was to capsize the boat we were in. We were on holiday in Butlins. He pulled the boat back in to a round of applause.

I remember him sitting outside the laundrette with stones on his pound notes waiting for the to dry.

He called me a little b'stad as he was entering the water...haha
Lol your poor Dad! :)
My 14 year old son recently got injured in the lower back/buttocks area at the gym.
One evening when walking to the gym with his dad he kept proclaiming very loudly about how sore his bum was. He had no idea that anyone who heard him would put 2 and 2 together and come up with 5 when hearing this from a male who was walking with another male.

One of the joys of having a son with Aspergers is that they tend not to realise when they say something that could be misconstrued :)
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Out of the mouths of babes hey.
When I was younger my Dad ran a pub. It must have been in the summer holidays when I was 12 or 13 and I was helping out in the kitchen at lunchtime with Radio 5 in the background around the pub. They had some sort of phone in segment about fathers so I decided to call in and tell them all about how when my Dad greeted certain ladies in the pub he would look at their chests and say 'how are you two today'.

This of of course was heard by the entire pub and then retold several times to the ones who didn't hear it around the town.

My poor Dad was mortified and he still swears he never once did that. I actually feel really guilty about it now.
Daffy, I had a similar episode with my stepson a couple of years back. Instead of saying he was staying at mums/dads he used to say he was sleeping at mums/dads.

He threw a right hissy fit in the shop one day and shouted at the top of his voice "that's it dad I am not sleeping with you anymore".

Deathly silence ensued.......... whereas I was nearly hysterical.
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lol so its not just me then! Am really laughing out loud at these answers
Barmaid, I can picture that very clearly :) I would probably have been in hysterics too.
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When i was with my ex( a prison officer) , I was in the supermarket with my daughter who was about 2 at the time. A little old lady stopped to say hello to me ad said what a pretty girl she was. the old lady turned to my daughter and said " hello lovely, and where's daddy then?" . To my horror my girl said "prison". I could have died!
Lol Smow!!!

My sisters find it funny when walking around a shop with someone to loudly say something along the lines of 'you know what your probation officer said about what would happen if you steal again'.
never i am perfect
When I was about four we were out for a slap-up family meal and, when it was finished, I stood up and addressed the entire restaurant with "What a f*cking feed!" My late father was in hysterics but my poor mother was mortified. "What did you say?", she asked and, of course, I said it again...
My sister out with my mum and aunt who had been happily chatting to a couple of older gentlemen on the train

Come on Pam and Olive need to get you back to the home I think your pads need changing....
Ha Mark! I might try and train one of my nephews/nieces to do that. And fit them with a secret camera so I can revel in the horror that unfolds.
When I was in my teens I was helping my mum carry the shopping - it was the days before supermarkets when grocery shopping involved about a dozen different shops - and we were in the butchers. "Just a bag of bones for the dog, please", she said, to which I retorted "Ooh! Are we getting a dog?"
My daughter when she was a toddler went through a stage of calling all men daddy, she also once punched some poor bloke right in the testicles whilst we were queuing at a shop checkout.
MR I am surprised you survived to adulthood..
When a teenager my friend took her toddler aged sister to the supermarket. When they got to the squash aisle baby sis started to kick off about wanting some blackcurrant, unfortunately her language skills weren't very well developed and she missed out the 'rra' bit......
my grandaughter then aged 4 had a habit of lifting the hem of your skirt as high as she could and shouting out "knickers", she did this to me at Heathrow airport just as the entire Pakistan cricket team were at check in ! I could have died with embarassment.

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