Mr. c has recently bought new laptop which has norton security. The question
is how do we disengage avg from the desktop so that we can put the norton
security on it.
If it is a new laptop I'm wondering why AVG is already on it.
In any case my first place to try would be via the control panel / software options in the start menu. There is something there that allows you to uninstall.
sorry, laptop has norton already installed. Laptop has the old avg, and I wish
to install the norton which I'm told is easy enough, just insert said disc. But I
dont know how to get rid of the avg from the laptop first.
sorry, desktop has the old avg. Sorry about confusion. Mr.c has already
paid for norton for the next year so might as well put it on the desktop as
well. Might wait until the son in law comes round or us two old farts will probably bodge it up! Thanks old geezer and headwreck. Enjoy your long
AVG can be hard to get rid of. And I can understand why you would want to. It is intrusive rubbish.
It would pop up in front of my work twice after booting to tell me the update was completed. This even happened when I wan't connected to the Net. Go figure.
Personally I would also avoid Norton though I have been told they have lifted their game. However at work we also have NetBackup which is another Symantec application which I consider to be the clumsiest and most annoying program ever published. (Seriously and that assessment come from 25 years continuously involved with computers.)
I use Microsoft Security Essentials and have no complaints whatsoever.