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Is AB mis-firing on Safari.?

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vivandorron | 16:26 Sun 10th Jun 2012 | Technology
21 Answers
I am unable to access the 'Search Box' on AB via my Safari Browser.

It doesn't really bother me because Firefox is my default, with Google Chrome as a 'back-up' and Internet Explorer is available if I should be desperate, because all others have failed to activate (very unlikely).

However, as it is possible that some ABers use Safari, I ask if it is the case that there is a compatibility problem to be resolved, because a few days ago it was impossible to enter the 'Search Box, with Firefox 13.



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lol that brings back memories tony.............but that's another story.
16:42 Sun 10th Jun 2012
Not for me, just done a random search to test it.
Bloody hell Ron, how many browsers do you have!!

I'll just stick with my much derided IE9.....................
Belt and bracer syndrome crafty.
lol that brings back memories tony.............but that's another story.
Do tell crafty ?
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Hi craft....Only four. Safari is one which has been recommended by the Ed.; along with Firefox and IE.

Anyway, just like tonyav, I would be interested in your memories; especially at my age, which I am guessing is older than you.

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P.S. I did have five but 'got shot' of Opera.

so the fat lady has sung and the Opera is over, Ron?
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Only the browser, because I do like listening to Opera. I love you really but let's keep that a secret.:-)

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Now for me to return to normality (I hope).

Thinking that perhaps the 'Safari' in my computer was at fault, I cleared out all connected with the Browser and downloaded it again; on the basis of up-dating it from what I had installed last month.

Unfortunately, it does not function for me, in any areas involving postings into AB. My OS is Windows Vista and I am unaware of any problems with IE; Firefox; or Google Chrome.

Just facts which could be some interest to the Ed who has listed Safari as a suitable Browser for use on AB.

I have no problems with safari, and it is my only browser.
Safari is working fine for me.
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It's really strange

The search box doesn't work; it's impossible to post a question in a box which doesn't open-up beyond two rows for typing; a click on the question mark alongside the 'you tube' box brings-up a list of questions which are inaccessible; any video clips which have been placed in an answer are just a big black square; etc. However, apart from that, I am able to traverse AB and read material which has been posted.

Seems fine here Ron.

I would usually only suggest safari for iPhone/iPad. If using a OSX or Windows Machine Firefox or Chrome are usually preferable - although safari seems fine.
Have you seen my post in Technology Ed?
I'm looking into your issue Crafty :)
Thanks :-)
I'm on FF and have just been told that Sky Online says wants a password before it will let me look at any more pages. I closed AB down and reopened it and it was fine. But I am outraged at the insinuation that I might be someone else and will be taking you to the cleane... err, to court.
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Hi all, I am at the age where one might think that i would stop experimenting.!!

Nevertheless, I am at this instant posting via my laptop into which a few moments ago I installed Safari. Normally I post everything into AB from my Desktop which only has 'Windows Vista Home Basics' whereas my laptop has 'Vista Premium'.

Everything seems to be in order on my laptop. Consequently, I am assuming that the fault is with Vista and I apologise to our Ed for having thought that the problem was with AB.

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I am now back posting on my Desktop, via Firefox and cannot understand how craft has been awarded 'Best Answer'. I have always said that I would never click the 'Best Answer' button. Is it possible that another ABer could have done it.

I'll leave it where it is in the hope that craft will reveal all .:-)


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Is AB mis-firing on Safari.?

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