Yahoo in The AnswerBank: Internet
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sue629 | 16:14 Tue 12th Jun 2012 | Internet
3 Answers
Anybody experiencing yahoo problems cant get on it, just comes up with web page not found, and diagnose problems.. i cant even get onto my emails .
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Yes i noticed this last night and all today. I find that if you refresh the page when you get the "web page not found" it will load but everything takes twice as long.
Same here, managed to log in, but can't delete old messages!
All day yesterday (Tue) yahoo email and yahoo based web sites were a nightmare. If you were to have entered "yahoo" in the search box of either www.kurrently.com or http://topsy.com/ and on the latter one highlighted posts in the last 24hrs, you would have been somewhat relieved to read that people posts tweets and facebook comments were all moaning about yahoo.

The two sites pick up anything tweeted or facebook comments relating to the search term you enter. If you enter your home town/city you'll see what I mean.

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