Received an email from someone in my contacts list. The only content was "Private Message" in blue ink as a hyperlink. When I clicked on it McAfee flagged up a red warning saying when they visited the site it displayed risky behaviour and to be cautious about proceeding. Should I follow their advice. Before you ask it's not practical to contact the supposed sender by any other means.
I've had a few emails off people in my address book on hotmail, that I could tell were "just not right".
The latest one was from my cousin - a quick text confirmed it wasn't from him.
In my experience, hotmail accounts get hacked and then suspicious emails are sent to contacts in the address book.
I would advise you not to click on that link.
If your only method of contacting this person is via hotmail - can't you just email them and ask for confirmation that they did or didn't send it.