Now, now AP, you're getting rather cross. Perhaps you are suffering from a slight shortage of substances. I would attempt to answer your question, had I the faintest idea what your're bleeidn' on about.
But it's as slow as a tortoise walking through frozen treacle ! ...apps, internet, Facebook, e-mail ...all as slow as (the above) the music player skips, videos go out of synch - it reminds me of one of my computers from eight years ago. Is this normal or has something gone t!ts up? Someone please tell me before I stamp on the bloody thing.
Ah Tambo! ...that all makes sense.
It's my first "smartphone" and it looks as if I'd overlooked the fact that it's an entry level job. I hadn't even got to battery life (which is utter cr@p). I should have stuck to my old Sony Erricsson button phone - touchscreens are a total pain in thearse too if this lump of doo daa is anything to go by.